Karl Wickersham Proprietor

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A retailer of Charleen Kinser Designs



Max is Sold Out

Maximilian, Rabbit has set out to tidy up and organize everything and everyone in his path.  No task it too great; no one escapes his scrutiny.  Oblivious to the danger, he may even pat a messy troll into shape, or pluck burrs from his beard.  Maximilian is self-appointed supervisor, overseer, chairman of the board, lord of the briar.  It is a year-around job.  In summer, there are gardens to tidy up, insect and animal traffic to direct, and a hundred rabbits to organize for the great evening games on the lawns and in the fields.



Size 18" Seated plus ears
Limited Numbered, being retired July 2000
Materials Acrylic, Cowhide nose and inner ears, Glass Eyes
Introduced 1981
Price $200
Other Poly/cotton wing collar and black tie, Paws clasp with velcro
Catalog Not Pictured



eGnome - A retailer of Charleen Kinser Designs