Karl Wickersham Proprietor

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A retailer of Charleen Kinser Designs

Little Molly's Bullfrog


He is what he is.  Little Molly's Bullfrog is a larger-than-life bullfrog, who doesn't make promises.  He is a prince from the place where fairy tales don't need to come true for happiness to be found.  He lives in the here and now, collecting true pals and giving away the key to real-life waking dreams.  

A gentlefrog, noble at heart, Little Molly's Bullfrog is kind to maidens or masters in distress, or just in the dumps.  And he asks for nothing in return.  He implies no extortion, performs no transformation.  To sweep him off his webbed feet, into your own happily-ever-after, you don't need a carriage and six white horses, just a backpack.  Or a big sequined clutch might be nice.



Size 10" plus legs
Limited 200
Materials Leather, glass eyes, polyester and bead filling
Introduced 2001
Other Hand colored and warted skin. Signed and numbered
Catalog Not Pictured

Little Molly's Bullfrog


eGnome - A retailer of Charleen Kinser Designs